Sign the petition to request that the NSW Government and NSW Health include additional carparking in the redevelopment of Bathurst Health Service.
As the city of Bathurst grows, it has become increasingly harder to get a carpark in or near the Bathurst Health Service. Located along suburban streets and hilly topography, carparking continues to be an issue for visitors, patients and staff who are forced to park many blocks away and walk to the hospital.
The $200 million redevelopment that is currently under design will expand the health services in this precinct. Carparking needs to be included in this redevelopment as a top priority as we will see more services, more staff, more clinicians and more visitors to the hospital.
Draft designs released in February 2024 reveal no serious consideration has been made to addressing the carparking situation rather one of the main carparking areas joining the Howick Street entrance to Mitre Street will be removed and transformed into a ‘community green space’.
At some point or another everyone in this community will need to access the hospital and its services, and we want to ensure when that time comes there will be an easily accessible way to do so. Elderly, sick and injured individuals can not be expected to park blocks away to receive treatment.
Please sign the below petition to show your support for additional carparking to be provided at the Bathurst Health Service as part of the redevelopment.