Anyone for tennis?
Well, it’s game set and match to Blayney Shire Council who has teamed up with the NSW Government to bring night tennis to Lyndhurst.
This follows the announcement by Member for Bathurst Paul Toole of funding of almost $50,000 to install lighting at the village’s tennis courts.
He met with locals to deliver the good news with the NSW Government’s Stronger Country Communities Fund chipping in $33,655 along with council’s $16,000.
Mr Toole said tennis is a recreational sport that brings the community together.
“But it’s more than sport in a community such as Lyndhurst. It’s an avenue for residents to gather socially and catch up with each other,” he said.

“Having lighting at the tennis courts provides the option of using the courts during the evenings after a day’s work.”
Mr Toole said the Stronger Country Communities Fund delivers projects including new and upgraded facilities, infrastructure and programs that make a big difference to everyday life in the bush.
“Projects such as installing lighting at the tennis courts in Lyndhurst build on the NSW Government’s vision to help make regional NSW the best place to live, work and visit,” he said.
The Stronger Country Communities Fund is part of the $2 billion Regional Growth Fund, which alongside the $4.2 billion Snowy Hydro Legacy Fund is delivering infrastructure and programs that generate opportunities, investment and jobs.