Ground will be broken this week on the much-anticipated O’Connell Footbridge that will connect walkers, cyclists and students of O’Connell Public School with the village.
The first stage will include a 10-tonne barge being lowered into the Fish River near O’Connell and will result in closures of O’Connell Road some nights this week.

Announced in 2022 by Member for Bathurst Paul Toole, the footbridge is a key piece of infrastructure for the community providing pedestrian and cyclist access across the Fish River which previously has not been possible. Transport for NSW is also carrying out geotechnical investigations by drilling boreholes into the riverbank and riverbed to better inform the detailed design process.
Member for Bathurst Paul Toole said the project was a major win for the community after a local campaign for safer access to cross the Fish River, especially for young children on their way to and from O’Connell Public School.
“O’Connell Road provides the quickest route between O’Connell Public School and O’Connell, with the next closest crossing adding around nine kilometres to the journey, so there is a real need to make the journey safer for young students who are walking to and from school,” Mr Toole said.
“Construction will include new shared paths to the proposed bridge to better connect residents walking and cycling from the village of O’Connell to Hassall Park and across to O’Connell Public School.
“Once complete, students will no longer need to walk or cycle in the travel lanes across the bridge, making the school commute safer and giving parents peace of mind.
“This footbridge will be a great addition to the village, and I am sure it will be highly used by locals and tourists who come to visit the coffee shop, pub and river camp grounds.”
Transport for NSW has advised of night closures on O’Connell Road at the Fish River bridge from Wednesday 4th December to complete these works.
The work will involve drilling a number of boreholes within the waterway of the Fish River to help inform potential foundation and design options for a pedestrian bridge.
To undertake the drilling work a 10-tonne barge will be lowered into the Fish River.
To safely undertake the movement of the barge into and out of the river a full closure of O’Connell Road is required. A detour will be in place to facilitate the lifting of the barge.
The existing concrete bridge across the Fish River on O’Connell Road opened to traffic in 1984 with no shoulder or path for pedestrians and cyclists.